The Tank
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The Tank was my 1969 Emmons Double-10 which was recently restored by Mike Cass in Nashville. Mike is a true artiste when it comes to getting the most out of vintage Emmons instruments. This guitar has the 'push-pull' changer design -- also known as the 'Emmons Original'. Push-pull guitars are known for their characteristic bell-like tone and sustain. They are also (rightfully) known for being difficult to work on and adjust properly. On the other hand, their reputation for having sluggish pedal action and requiring more force to engage pedals and knee levers is not really deserved, from my experience. A well adjusted push-pull is as easy to play as most modern pedal steels.
The table below shows the copedent (ChOrd/PEDal arrangemENT -- thanks to Tom Bradshaw for something to call it) for the Tank. It has 9 pedals, 9 knee levers, the standard E9 tuning and standard C6 with a few minor modifications and additions.
I played this guitar for about a year and decided that I'd played 12-strings for too long to allow me to switch back to a 10-string. Brad Sarno in St. Louis is the new owner.